Gem Tyre Retreaders



Gem Tyre Retreaders, established in the year 1951 was appointed as the First “MRF PRETREADS” Franchisee in 1986. They retread all sizes of tyres, from Auto to Tractor Rear employing the latest Technology, Machinery, Equipments, Tools and Materials from MRF to suit retreading of Nylon (Bias) as well as the latest technologically advanced Radial tyres.

Cost Efficiency: Retreading a tyre costs much lesser compared to the cost of a new tyre, hence higher profit for the operator.

Safety: Retreading tyres is safe and governments of many advanced countries encourage retreading of tyres. Remember, Aircrafts run, take off and land on retreaded tyres.

Environment Friendly:  Retreading tyres is the most efficient and meaningful way of Recycling your used tyres. Retreading tyres, is in a way Recycling tyres that can help the nation save a substantial volume of crude oil and in turn, foreign currency.


Why MRF Pretreads ?

MRF PRETREADS, India’s most advanced Precured Retreading System comes to you from MRF – the country’s No 1 Tyre company. MRF is the acknowledged leader in the manufacture of tread rubber, and repair material for retreading of tyres.

In the MRF RETREADS system, the tread rubber is precured in MRF’s factory under carefully controlled conditions and comes with the MRF Assurance for better quality. Today, MRF RETREADS has emerged as the Mileage Leader in Precured Retreading. You too can gain from the MRF RETREADS system.



Subtsantially greater mileage
Better road grip
Greater safety
Well researched tread patters perfected through years of innovoation and testing
MRF’s proven rubber technology.

MRF Pretread Patterns
